On Campus Crisis & Trauma
In a life-threatening situation on or near campus?
Call Wayne State Police at (313) 577-2222
When tragic events occur on campus, members of the college community can experience stress, trauma, grief, or a combination of these reactions. CAPS has a role in creating a safe environment for university members to have an opportunity to express their thoughts, feelings, and reactions to a crisis or trauma, and can offer additional support and help to those individuals when reactions are extreme or persistent and are causing an individual ongoing trauma or difficulty.
Currently-Registered WSU Students must Schedule an Initial Consultation to see which of our services best meets your needs (link is only active Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm).
If urgent consultation is needed, you are encouraged to call CAPS at 313-577-3398 to speak with a CAPS counselor.
Surviving a Trauma
The Nature of Trauma
Reactions to Trauma
How We May Be Affected
What Helps Healing
How to Help a Friend
The Nature of Trauma
The severity of a person's reactions to trauma is often associated with the nature of the incident. The following are examples of factors that strongly impact survivors:
The unpredictable timing of the incident
Experiencing physical injury, either through accident or violence
Having one's physical health or life threatened
Having a near death experience
Having a loved one's physical health or life threatened
Feeling loss of control
Witnessing the injury or death of others
Surviving an experience where others have been injured or died
Loss of home and security due to disaster
Seeing or having contact with blood
Prolonged exposure to danger
Reactions to Trauma
Persons react to trauma in ways that reflect their prior experiences with crisis, their distinctive personalities and problem-solving skills. There are, however, some generally shared experiences that often accompany trauma. Typical reactions may include some of the following:
Confusion and a sense of detachment
A numbness of "cloudy" perspective
Heightened startle response
Fear of situations that serve as a reminder of the event
Physical and emotional reactions to sights, sounds, smell and feelings associated with the trauma
Difficulties with getting to sleep, disturbing dreams or nightmares
Intrusive and repetitive thoughts and images
Difficulty with concentration and memory
Intense emotional reactions, e.g., anger, crying, guilt, fear
Loss of appetite
Decreased emotional and physical energy
Susceptibility to ailments (e.g., colds, joint soreness, sore muscles)
Fear of trusting others
Anxiousness about the future
How We May Be Affected
Persons respond to tragedy in various ways. Normally we attempt to find ways to avoid the intrusion of painful memories or preoccupation with emotional and/or physical pain. Examples of how trauma may affect people include:
Increased sense of vulnerability
Avoidance of responsibility
Withdrawal from the support of family, friends and community
Altering one's lifestyle such as increased risk taking
Increased use of substances/drugs to socialize or reduce pain
Experiencing flashbacks or altered states associated with the trauma
Avoidance of situations that serve as a reminder of any aspect of the trauma
Lack of confidence in returning to daily life activities, particularly those that may have been related to the trauma
Reactions associated with the guilt of surviving when others did not
Assuming undue responsibility for the outcomes of the incident
Changing expectations of one's self and others
Altering commitments in work or study activities
Heightened agitation towards perceived offenders and concern for victims
Disruption in one's worldview about fairness and justice
Uncertainty about how to relate to others
What Helps Healing
There are ways to help the healing process. While there is not a cure for human suffering, over time healing can occur when attention is given to the needs of the whole person.
Understand that trauma impacts a wide range human experience, our physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual well being. No part of the human experience is immune from the stress associated with trauma.
Promote self-assurance by reminding yourself that you survived a painful experience and that it takes time to heal. Avoid comparing yourself to how others are handling their experience.
Seek out persons who care for and support you. Share your reactions, thoughts and how the experience impacted you.
Know that the reactions to trauma described are normal responses to a very abnormal experience. They occur in varying degrees of severity and type for each person.
Consider writing a journal of your experience. Help those who care about you become aware of how you might react in certain situations.
Seek to gain perspective on the experience. This is often helped by participation in counseling. Other aids may include meditation, reading, spiritual reflection or involvement in support groups.
Trauma places stress on the human body and may result in illnesses that decrease energy and ability to concentrate. If needed, seek medical assistance.
Promote your sense of hardiness through healthy nutrition and exercise.
How to Help a Friend
Be patient and understand there is not a formula for healing from the wounds of trauma
Respect the other person's perspective. Persons may have different understandings of what occurred and how harmful it was. Avoid assigning blame.
Support the person's need for understanding. You do not have to possess the answers to the difficult questions the trauma raises.
Provide support at the level the survivor desires. Inquire about how to be helpful while respecting the other person's limits.