Helping International Students
In addition to the common adjustment problems that most students experience during their college years, international students may experience additional problems due to cultural differences, language barriers, homesickness, and being so remote from their homes and support resources. International students seeking help or guidance from a faculty or staff member may experience difficulty expressing their concerns because of primary language differences. The Translations of Common International Student Adjustment Concerns provided here presents many of the adjustment problems that students experience in several languages. The list can be used to help students communicate their problems or issues more clearly. With a more clear understanding of the type of problem an international student may be experiencing, a faculty or staff member can make a more effective referral for counseling.
These translations were developed by staff of the Counseling and Psychological Services Center at the University of Arkansas. We are appreciative of them for sharing this list with us. This document is in Adobe PDF format. Translations of Common International Student Adjustment Concerns
For more information regarding International Students, you may want to also contact the Office of International Students & Scholars 313-577-3422.