Tools and Techniques

Relaxation Resources

Link to website with numerous articles and self-help tools

Relaxation Techniques for Reducing Stress

A list of ten common relaxation methods to reduce stress

10 Common Relaxation Techniques

A list of six different breathing exercises to do in under ten minutes

6 Breathing Exercises to Help You Relax in 10 Minutes

Instructions for Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Instructions for Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Free Guided Meditation

Stress Management Techniques

Stress. Embrace It!
An hour-long webinar created and presented by CAPS for the Alumni Department on how to utilize stress to your advantage. This information shows how stress can be enhancing---not debilitating!

GPS for the Soul
Check out this video describing a cool phone app for assistance with stress management and relaxation.

An app made to help with deep breathing. Click on the link to learn  more

Check out this demo example of what the app can do.