Group Schedule - Winter 2025
Currently-registered WSU students who are not already seeing a CAPS counselor must schedule an Initial Consultation to verify enrollment and eligibility to participate in any of our groups.
* If you already have a CAPS counselor, please request a group referral from your assigned counselor.
As group membership grows, some groups will be closed to new members.
Day / Time / Location | Group Title | Description |
Mondays @ 2-3 pm Remote on Teams | Mindfulness & Distress Tolerance *Closed to new members* | Do you find yourself overthinking about the past or excessively worried about the future? Is it difficult to cope with distressing emotions? In just 8 sessions, learn how to use mindfulness skills to cope with difficult feelings, and improve connection to body, mind, and soul. |
Tuesdays @ 2-3 pm Remote on Teams | Grief & Loss Support Group | This group is offered to students who are struggling with the loss of a significant person in their lives. Join other Warriors in a space of healing and compassionate care. Share, receive support, and honor the unique grief process. |
Tuesdays @ 4-5:15 pm Remote on Teams | Gratitude for Life | Practicing gratitude can change the way we think because it allows us to start paying attention to the positive things happening in our lives and focus less on the negative things. It can also provide us with more insights and make our lives more meaningful. Come join us at CAPS as we learn about the benefits of gratitude and how we can implement gratitude practices in our daily lives. |
Tuesdays @ 5-6 pm Remote on Teams | Improving Self-Esteem with Self-Care *Closed to new members* | This group is for students who want to learn how to improve taking care of themselves in order to stay mentally, physically, and emotionally well. Self-Care requires checking in with yourself and asking yourself how you're doing in these areas. When you give yourself the opportunity to engage in self-care, your self-esteem benefits because you learn more about your self-worth which is how you value and perceive yourself. A few benefits of self-care and self-esteem are gaining self-compassion, boosts in confidence, improving focus, better sleep, managing stress, and healthier relationships to name a few! |
Wednesdays @ 2-3 pm In person at OISS | World of Support: International Student Support Group | Being an international student can be stressful with experiencing many common and unique challenges in the process of adjusting to the college environment. This group will offer an opportunity for students to explore and talk about challenges related to being an international student at WSU. |
Wednesdays @ 3-4 pm Remote on Teams | Ourselves & Others: Interpersonal Process Group | This interpersonal process group provides members with the opportunity to grow in their understanding of themselves and in their relationships with others. Group members benefit from sharing their diverse perspectives and viewpoints on relationships, often finding they have similar experiences. Through supportive group dialogue and relationship building in group, members may be able to identify patterns in their own relationships and can be supported in changing patterns that are no longer serving them in their lives. |
Wednesdays @ 4-5 pm Remote on Teams | Neurodivergent Support Group | This group is for students who identify as ADHD or Autistic but is open and welcoming to anyone who considers themselves to be neurodivergent (no formal diagnosis required). In this group we will:
Wednesdays @ 5-6 pm Remote on Teams | Time Management for Mental Health *Closed to new members* | So much to do with so little time? Not sure where the time goes? Have important tasks that need your attention that you don’t have time to give? Join this 5 session group and learn how time management and stress are linked and how they affect mental health, while also learning time management strategies to reduce stress in your life. This group will support members in establishing boundaries around their time, with specific focus on organizing and prioritizing their tasks and how they spend their time. |
Thursdays @ 1-2 pm Remote on Teams | Positive Measures: Coping Skills | This 8 week group teaches coping skills for daily life challenges. Group members will learn new tools for managing depression and anxiety, create positive self talk and develop assertiveness, and understand themselves better. |
Thursdays @ 1-2 pm - and - Thursdays @ 3-4 pm
In person at the STELLA Lab, Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences | Living with Anxiety *Closed to new members* | Got worries? Join this 7 week group to share experiences around anxiety, while learning coping skills and how to build confidence. This group is part of a research study with the STELLA Lab and participants will be compensated $150 for their participation upon completion of the group. Group members may be exposed to therapy dogs and their handlers. Assignment to group will be determined by student availability and fit with research criteria. |
Here is the Winter 2025 Group Flyer